Donnerstag, 5. Juni 2014

I Love Nail Polish Summer Collection 2014 Swatches!

Hey guys,

remember when I said in my last post, that I have a big surprise for you?

Haha, here's your surprise!: I bought the whole summer collection from ILNP XD
It consists of 5 holo and 6 multichrome polishes!

These are my first indie polishes I ever bought, so I went apeshit crazy as I got them yesterday in my mail <3<3<3
Shipping was extremely fast, as ILNP comes from Las Vegas (Vegas baby <3), I had them in just one week!

So without keeping you in suspense, here are the swatches! :D
Enjoy them as much as I do <3
And also, be prepared to be showered in my nail art posts in the future where I'm going to use them :D 
you can also follow me on instagram @moira_eden to be updated with my mirin' :PP
(click on the pictures for more resolution!)

Let's start with the holos! <3

the 5 holos

Funshine Smoothie is a yellow/golden holo. 
The pictures didn't do the polish a favour, since it sparkles like CRAZY! 
It was a bit on the sheer side, you'll need 2-3 coats!

Rehab is a teal/green holo. Again, making pictures of holos is really really difficult :(
I love teal, it's one of my favourite colors, so I instantly fell in love with it. 2-3 coats and you're ready to go!

Summer Stargazing is a depp blue holo.
Just three letters: O M G
Seriously ILNP, how? How are you doing this??
2 coats for full opacity, did I mention that the quality is absolut perfect? Because it is.

Purple Plasma is a, haha, purple holo. Picture is, again, not so good.
You'll need 2 coats for full opacity.

Bikini Bottoms is a bright pink holo. You'll need 2-3 coats.
And it sparkles, there's nothing more to say.

And here's how they look on the nail:

Holos are so hard to capture. But I invite you to come look at them in person. Bring sunglasses :P 
(please excuse my cuticles, one month of aceton everyday didn't do them a favour...)

OK, so after this sparkly craziness, I'm gonna throw swatches from the ultra chromes at you. Ultra chromes? What is that you ask? 
Here, that's it:

Bishop is a 3-colored ultra chrome (trichrome?) and shifts from a dark blueish-green, to dark green, to gold.
I recommend to paint chromes over black, since they are pretty sheer and need 3-4 coats. With black you'll need just one coat (and you save polish ^^).

Masquerade is an 3-colored ultra chrome and shifts from pink, to gold, to green.
The shift is strong with this one. Really strong.

Peace is the last 3-colored ultra chrome and is shifts from green, to yellow, to purple. 
Wow. My favourite from the ultra chromes!

You ask what the (H) means? It means HOLO! 
Yes, ultra chrome AND holo. Crazy!
Undenied is a 3-colored ultra chrome and shifts from dark green, to gold, to a pinkish color. The holo was also pretty strong, you going to see them in pictures later in my post!
Opacity was the best from all the chromes.

OMG, look at these colors.
Reminisce is a 3-colored ultrachrome and shifts from red, to blue, to green and has a strong holo.

Ok guys, final spurt, that's the last one.
Sirene is a gorgeous 4-colored ultra chrome and shifts from dark green, to gold, to purple to teal/blue and has a strong holo.
I overcome my fear of using them and swatched them on my hand. I stared at them for minutes. 

Can you see the shift?

So, what do you think of them?
I really love them! I'm actually gonna buy more from them, since the quality is really really good and delivery is unbelievable fast.
The only teeny tiny minus is the price, since shipping is painly expensive here in Europe, Austria.
Buy them at:!

For my austrian lacqueristas:
Wenn ihr sie kaufen wollt, am Samstag, 07.06.2014 um 9h in der Früh gibts ein Restock, weil die komplett ausverkauft sind (Restocking June 6th, 2014 at 12PM PST). 
Manche Lacke, wie zB Sirene, gibts ohne Holo auch so zu kaufen, falls ihr nicht am Samstag so früh aufstehen möchtet :P
Versand richtet sich nach Menge der Lacke, ich hab (glaub ich) über 17$ gezahlt, plus 114$ für alle Lacke (Pre-Sale, waren billiger).
Aber es ist es auf jeden Fall wert. 
Es gibt auch eine französische Seite die ILNP verkauft, Versand ist da allerdings genauso teuer (Achtung, auf französisch! Clické moi)

And since I can't let you leave without looking at them again

Dani <3

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