Samstag, 15. März 2014

If it has to be done quickly: Glitter ombre

Hello folks and a warm "Servus" from Vienna,

so University has a lock on me again and it seems I have to kind of "reorganize" my "mani day" in the week. I usually have to go to University from Tuesday to Thursday and from in the evening, and I organized with my boss that I come to work every Monday, Thursday and Friday. Being busy with preparing things for university, hobbies (or simply living?) on the other days, there is very little time for my manis.
Beside this fact, I used to do my nails every about 5 days because as long as they are not completely chipped I feel fine with them and feel sad if I take them off.

I wanted to do something else than I did, but it didn't came out very well. I started preparing the f*** mani before I went to university on Wednesday and started to finish it after I came back home, but I did one hand and was like "meh, no". Since there is something called sleep which I wanted to do but didn't want to leave my nails plain, I grabbed two colors for a nice & easy 15 minute glitter ombre, and here is the result:


OPI Dining Al Frisco
ORLY Bubbly Bombshell

This was done really quickly but the result is so nice and makes me happy and think of summer - and of a beautiful Barbie dress, lol :D it makes me think of the "mermaid Barbie" I owned, the fishtail ending of the dress (it has more colors in it, maybe a recreation would be perfect with Essie Jazzy Jubilant, but I don't care, I LOVE the combo :D)

So since this post is a very quick update I want to use the "empty" space of nail art sh** for showing you a very nice present I got! Since I am a metal girl (and I like black because it hides your body outline ;)) I usually wear black clothing all the time, despite some funky petrol, orange or violet tops I have for summer (or for work. or for happiness reasons) because black clothing is very very "meh". But I discovered a love for pink accents, just for fun. My phone case is sparkling pink, and pink is a shade of nail polish I own very often. This kind of amused a very close friend of mine. Her hobby is to photograph and to craft things (I don't know what an appropriate english term for "basteln" is). And despite photographing and crafting she likes it best to craft things that make other people happy and give them away as a present. So she crafted me this super cute and stylish wristband and my boyfriends' first reaction was "this fits your nails perfect!". So I wanted to show you my new fancy wristband in action alongside my nails ;)

If you are interested in any other work of my dear friend, please feel free to visit her homepage

So what do you think? Any other crazy color combinations that remind you of Barbie dresses? Isn't there a little Barbie in everyone? Please feel free to leave a comment below or at our Facebook page!

Polished greetings,

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