Dienstag, 25. Februar 2014

Fuzzy Unicorn Magic (aka why my brain is completely gone)

Hello my lovely people,

today I had a real challenge. 
I had do make a presentation about fuzzy logic (it's a highly scientific area in information technology, but I'm not gonna talk about that) and I got a very very good grade.

So since my brain (the the brains of my group members) is muddy and completely gone we somehow came from fuzzy logic to fuzzy magic, with unicorns who fart out mathematical formulas and functions in rainbow colors (yup, our brains were completely down the drain) I just had to make a nail art about this magical fuzzy wonderland.

(Please excuse my awfully dry cuticles, I had no time to take care of them)
I used this tutorial for the unicorn 

I hope I can make some more posts this week, my to-do-list is really long. Stay tuned!

So yeah. 
I'll go and look for my brain now.

Dani <3

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