Dienstag, 4. Februar 2014

Iced Earth Plagues of Babylon Album Cover inspired nailart

Hello folks and a warm "Servus" from Vienna,

first week of holidays from University means a lot of stress lol. No afternoon and evening this week which is free of any plans!
One of those plans is to visit the Iced Earth concert here in Vienna and I am very excited for this gig since they have a lot of catchy songs on their new album called "Plagues of Babylon". Since it is the Plagues of Babylon Tour, I decided I have to paint my nails in an appropriate way!

First of all I start off with the album cover to show you what the painting on my nails was inspired of! I hope you like metal album covers? Don't be scared, it's just a drawing ;)

Kiko No. 382 (dark grey)
Kiko No. 381 (a middle-toned grey)
Kiko No. 275 (black)
Kiko No. 319 (a nude tone)
Jafra Grey Marble (for the chains)
Jafra Vibe Mellow (for the crown and the stick (sorry, I don't know the english term for fucking epic lord-like ... stick))
OPI All I Want For Christmas (Is OPI) (for the eyes and the tongue)
Essie Blanc (for the fingers, teeth, nose and base for the eyes)

Small dotting tool
Nail art brush (thin)

How to do
After protecting my nails with one coat of Essie Trillionails and one coat of Essie All In One Base I started off with a version of distressed nail art which is shown by Chalkboard nails here with Kiko No. 381 & 382. When I saw the result I thought it would have been better to start with Kiko No. 382 and sponge No. 381 on, but it was too late, and it is not that horrible since the painted design is the real eye catcher ;) I painted one coat of Sally Hansen Insta-Dri Top Coat to speed up the process.
Then, with my nail art brush, I started painting the stick and the crown with Jafra Vibe Mellow, then added eyes, nose and teeth with Essie Blanc and finnished my accent nails with OPI All I Want For Christmas (Is OPI) over the white eyes and a tongue under the teeth.
Then I created the hinted heads with Kiko No. 319, added their hair with Kiko No. 275 and made them bloody with the OPI red tone. Using my nail art brush and Jafra Grey Marble, I painted the chaines and connected one chain to each of the hinted heads. To point the owner of the chains out, I let all three chains flow from my middle finger to my thumb. Since my nail art brush is not thin enough and my chains looked like dots, I took my thin dotting tool and put one dot of Kiko No. 382 (again) in the middle to get my chain look back. I think this worked out very well :)
After letting the design dry a bit I finished off with another coat of Sally Hansen Insta-Dri Top Coat.

I am very satisfied with the result and craving for the gig to come! 

How do you like my idea of album-inspired nail art? Please feel free to let me know below in the comments, on Reddit or on Facebook! I would really appreciate some feedback.

Keep on polishing,

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