Donnerstag, 20. Februar 2014

Silver comparison: China Glaze VS Sally Hansen

Hey folks and a warm „Servus“ from Vienna,

originally this post was supposed to be done in January, and I did it - it only didn't made it to the blog, lol xD So these photos are my really first attempt as you could see it in the Pink comparison post (they were shot on the same day), and my photographic skills have improved since then, so please excuse the blurry and only flash-lighted pictures :)

This comparison is about my silvery shades. When China Glaze released their Autumn Nights 2013 Collection I decided to buy Gossip Over Gimlets if there is no silver shade in the Holiday Collection. And see: there was none. But I needed silver for a design earlier, so I bought Sally Hansen‘s Shoot The Moon. Time to compare them!


China Glaze Gossip Over Gimlets
Sally Hansen Shoot The Moon

When you take a really close look at China Glaze’s Gossip Over Gimlets, you see that it consists of silver but also gold flakes. They are rather big so you are able to see them even on the nail, which results in creating a look that is not only silver if you take a really close look. When you see both side to side the Sally Hansen looks a bit darker than China Glaze.

Close-up Colors

I used two Coats of colors, without Top Coat.

Gossip over Gimlets looks more gold than silver in the gradient, if you take a really close look. In any other case you can hardly see a difference.

If you want a real, pure silver, you should definitely stick to the Sally Hansen shade, because there is nearly no gold in it. Gossip Over Gimlets dries down to a litte more foiled finish.

What do you think? Are there other shades that remind you of the colors? Please feel free to leave a comment below or on our Facebook page.

Polished greetings,

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